It’s yet another weekend of Klenkar-not-being-in-NY-but-still-working-in-NY-somehow!
I canceled a flight to SF last June and needed to use the credit by the end of the month, so when a friend I met in Bali asked me to meet her in LA for Pride I was like “I’M SO THERE!”
Just kidding, I wasn’t sure I was going to get on the plane until about 10pm last night. This is life now.
I don’t know LA well enough to do a good wkndr about it — I’ve only been once and it was seven years ago. I did turn down a job there once, so that’s a connection? Maybe? No? Am I so tired that I’ve completely lost it?
This is, allegedly, also Los Angeles
Because I have no idea what I’m talking about, I’ll just mention the two neighborhoods where I’ll be spending time, and give an East Coast-er’s take on what I think I know. Maybe I am becoming a real New Yorker after all, showing up and telling other people about their own cities!
First, Manhattan Beach, or, as I'm calling it, Man Bae. Why? Because as soon as I get off the plane I am going to faceplant into some sand. But mostly because my friend’s brother lives there and it’s close to the airport. What is Manhattan Beach known for? I’m not sure. Being a beach, but not muscle beach and not Venice beach? I know I’ve been there before, and if memory serves I saw some babes roller blading around with fanny packs, so I’m excited to go back.
This may or may not be me in Manhattan Beach in 2011
And then off to WE HO! West Hollywood, where we ho. I ho, you ho, we all ho for…something?
Four of us will be sharing an Airbnb and will likely spend the entire weekend in this neighborhood, as it’s where Pride takes place. And then I will cab back to the airport covered in glitter for my red eye back to NYC. Great idea, former self! You’re killing it!
Highlights of the ‘hood? I don't know, other than it is generally considered very fun with a large LGBTQ+ community. I know that last time I was in LA we went to a few clubs there, and none of them were straight clubs. I'm just going to link to the LA Pride official site, because this is less of a neighborhood guide and more about that specific event.
And for music, we are gonna go with some Donna Summer because the guy I know who does the best job of NY Pride (ultra VIP cabana-level) just went to the Donna Summer musical on Broadway and now he gets to see Kylie Minogue perform at NYC Pride and I AM VERY JEALOUS.
Have a beautiful, colorful, inclusive wknd, everyone.
love is love,