Today’s New York Values are both inspired by experiences I’ve had with one listing.
First, there is a type of person who thinks that if you weren’t born in NYC you shouldn’t live here. These are the “America First”-ers of New York, who somehow don’t see the irony of making those claims while also railing against Trump for his policies and calling themselves progressive.
But the value here is that these people are a dying breed. I’ve met very few, and always baby boomer or older. And while I kind of understand the sentiment (anyone can see that this city is vastly different than it once was), it’s outdated and small-minded, just like wanting us to go back to the 1950’s white supremacy and women-belong-in-the-kitchen era. All of our ancestors have been immigrants at some point, even if we have to go back really far, and we need to stop the cycle of hating on the new-kids-on-the-block, whoever it may be. If only people born here lived here, then this city wouldn’t be the incredible place it is.
A thing that all New Yorkers hate
If it isn’t clear, this is largely based on one person who repeatedly said very rude things and basically told me I should go back to where I came from, while justifying it all with the phrase “I’m just a New Yorker; we say what we mean!”
I call myself an aspiring New Yorker because I know I’m not one, and I will never be one to many people, no matter how many decades I call it home. And no, I am far too soft-spoken and polite (stop laughing) to fit into the classic New Yorker stereotype. But the good thing is that although this city can and will chew you up and spit you back out, those of us who choose to put up with that do have, for the most part, respect for one another.
Second part of this value is….you should always paint an apartment white before selling/renting. I was going to try to give an exception, but there isn’t one. Ok, maybe the ONE exception is new development by a Pritzker-Prize-winning architect can pull off a shade of grey, but that isn’t relevant to anyone reading this (unless one of you has been keeping something from me!).
Look how white these walls are!
I was discussing this with a friend, who, knowing my obsession with Fixer Upper (Chip & Joanna 4ever), made a good point. While the incredible Mrs. Gaines can look at a falling down building and see a beautiful home, she is rare. That is not a skill most people possess; it’s even hard to sell or rent an apartment currently tenant-occupied, because your average client can’t see past whatever furniture is currently in place.
White looks better in photos, feels cleaner, and gives a buyer the best chance of mentally placing him or herself in the home. It’s already a blank canvas, so there’s less imagination required. Here's an article by Brick Underground that talks about the best shades of white to use.
So white, so clean.
With the listing I referenced earlier, we ended up virtually staging the apartment including changing the walls white. Although I love the color choices the owner made, it simply gets more traction online when it looks less styled. There's a reason staging companies exist!
So go forth and avoid telling anyone to “go back where they came from,” paint your apartments white, and circle back here next week for another New York Value.