This is about Compass’s announcement that they are now providing health insurance to their 1099 employees (i.e. agents). This is groundbreaking. From what I understand, no brokerage in America has EVER offered this to their employees. We do not earn salaries, live solely on commission, and have to pay for our own benefits.
Read MoreNYC's March for our Lives, photo via The New York Times
New York Values #5 - Guns
My first New York Value lauded the civic engagement of schoolchildren, specifically their work getting an honorary street named for Elizabeth Jennings. And now, starting with the Parkland survivors, we are seeing massive nationwide civic engagement in kids/teens regarding gun control.
I had to write about guns this week, because on Saturday NYC was home to one iteration of the March for our Lives, with hundreds of thousands in attendance. I was too busy recovering from a stomach flu to go cry-march with everyone, but I was still inspired by the vast showing of support. Anyone who knows me knows where I stand on guns, but this isn’t about me. It’s about this city’s long history of successful gun control reform having a lasting, positive effect on its populous.
In 1911, a murder near Gramercy Park moved the state congress to pass New York State’s Sullivan Law, which required residents to obtain a police-issued license for any “concealable firearm.” The law made carrying a concealed weapon without such permit a felony. It was the FIRST of its kind and has been the blueprint for similar laws throughout the country.
This article has a very interesting breakdown of the whole inception of the bill and how it was really spearheaded by a gangster as well as a lawmaker!
The real power of this law, though, is the strictness with which it is enforced. Even if you pass a background check and meet the permitting criteria, law enforcement can still deny you a weapon. I’m not going to get deep into the second amendment debate, but it does not grant citizens carte blanche to own weapons; that’s a complete misreading of the law. You’re entitled to apply for the permit, but not entitled to be accepted. Why do you want a gun here, anyway? To hunt rats and pigeons? Just go to a range and shoot their guns; it’s still fun!
There was a drive-by shooting two doors down from me when I first moved to my apartment, and it was terrifying. I am incredibly grateful that it is not more common largely because of the barriers to gun ownership that exist here. Thanks, New York, for being ahead of the curve and keeping me safe.
(Note: After the Sandy Hook shooting, NY passed the SAFE Act, banning outright all assault weapon sales in the entire STATE.)
The real estate value today is perhaps self-justifying, but it’s to clarify something that has come up a couple times recently.
You really cannot work with two unrelated RE agents, because one of them is going to end up getting forced out. It happens a lot: your mom knows someone and your friend knows someone or you know someone and your roommate knows someone so you reach out to both. And they both send you listings and put in time, show you around, etc. And you kind of just go along with it until you end up deciding on a place, telling the other agent that you’re all good now and they can stop the search on their end.
It’s like shitty dating. You’re seeing someone and it seems to be going well, you’re getting more invested, and then all of a sudden they tell you they’re getting back together with their ex, or they met someone else they really like. And you’re left FOREVER ALONE.
This is also why many agents aren’t particularly excited about tenant-side rentals. At least in a sales transaction one broker is guaranteed to be part of the final deal, and it’s explicitly stated that you should only work with one agent at a time. But in the free-wheeling rental world there are all kinds of communal living or leasing agency options, so not only are some clients working with an array of agents, they’re also exploring other options on their own. It doesn’t feel great to spend a bunch of energy on something only to be told you’re no longer needed! At least if a boss fires you he has to pay you two weeks severance on top of what you’ve gotten for “time served.” In this industry, that’s not a thing.
This isn’t a lecture or me complaining about my position. Instead, it’s a call to both sides to make sure expectations are laid out early on. As non-agents, if you are up front with anyone you consider working with about all the potential inevitabilities, that person can weigh their options and know what they’re getting into. They should do it on their end as well, but by being smart, savvy consumers, you can take the first step and also impress any potential agent with your awareness. Plus you’ll get the best from anyone you work with because you’ll be an absolute DREAM client!
As always, direct questions to, and I’ll be back next week!