This guest post was written by Suzie Wilson of Happier Home, who knows far more about this topic than I do, and I recommend you all check out her site. I thought it fit in well with seller’s month (because it’s about adding value to your home) and also Earth Day, because smarter homes are often more energy efficient homes.
Read MoreNew York Values #45 - Multiple Offers
Everyone handles multiple offers differently, and there are many schools of thought around it. Whether you’re on the buy side or the sell side, you definitely want to work with an agent who knows how to conduct him or herself throughout the process. While you may feel you are equipped to handle this on your own, I don’t agree.
Read MoreResale Value
If you are planning to buy something where you will live for the rest of your life, forever and ever, you may not have to consider these factors. But the average buyer is looking to hold onto something for 5-10 years, and a good agent will give you advice on the buy-side to help find a place that is both a good fit now, and easy to sell in the future.
Read MoreForeign Purchasers
While I can’t give in depth financial info related to taxes and which countries have imposed limits on taking cash abroad (China comes to mind), I can break down how this is similar and different from the process for those US-based, and which property types are usually best in which circumstances.
Read MoreWhat is the Buying Process and How Long Does it Take?
I’ve been thinking back to all the questions people ask me when they’re wondering whether home-buying is an option. Something that people don’t seem to know and that is very important when buying for the first time and leaving a rental is TIMING. What is the process like and how long will it take?
Read MoreThis photo is a non-sequitur but also somehow perfect for this post.
Trump, Cohen, and Valuation
If you guys thought I wasn’t going to talk about the Cohen testimony, you must not know me that well. There’s way too much to cover, but because we are discussing how to buy in NYC, I will mention the absurdity of Trump inflating the value of his real estate holdings in order to buy the Buffalo Bills. Really, dude?
Read MoreNew York Values #38 - How to Rent an Apt in NYC WITHOUT a Broker (like me)
Do I want you to work with someone you trust? Yes. But are you going to? Probably not. I can talk until I’m blue in the face about all the reasons you should bring your own TRUSTED advisor to the table, but at the end of the day, if you want to DIY it, here are some tips and tricks that will make you look smart and hopefully not get totally screwed over.
Read MorePretending I'm here instead of writing this in the sauna of NYC
New York Values #23 - Tough Sell
But what about when you list this beautiful apartment and no one bites? Your open house only has a trickle of people through, or it’s busy but everyone leaves underwhelmed and doesn’t follow up with an offer? What happens when it’s been sitting on the market for weeks and your client, the seller, starts breathing down your neck?
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